Monday, May 5, 2008

6 month revue

I'm unwinding but it feels like it's doing no good. Like one of those super-long, stupid telephone chords. I twist and twist in the attempt to become untwisted, and then I stop and discover that I'm just as tangled- only in the other direction.
I was told I'm an angel just last night....but considering where I met this fella, he may be crazy. I felt like a bridge troll. Mean and constantly put-out. The put-out herself surely cannot help it. Being four seems to be very stressful. So does twenty-four.
If being a mother means "always being sorry," then I'd rather be sterile. I keep trying to go on a "sorry strike" only to keep doing things I really need to apologize for. The strike will only work if I still behave properly. Any given week in any given month can almost certainly negate that experiment.
And if I could just go deaf, dumb and blind, I'd be more content at work. It's up to me to simulate that. So I can stay sane enough to Suit Up and Show Up.